Kajian Teologis Tentang Cara Hidup Jemaat Mula-Mula dan Relevansinya dalam Komunitas Salvation Serving and Confidant of God di GBI Keluarga Imamat Rajani Jakarta
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Background of this research by the condition of the cell community named Salvation Serving and Confidant of God at GBI of the Royal Priesthood Family in Jakarta, which did not go well. Because of this condition, the growth is stagnant. Unlike the way of life of the early church, God even continued to add the number of people who did not believe because of their lifestyle. Using the synthesis-analysis method, this study will examine theologically the way of life of the early church based on Acts 2: 41-47 and 4: 32-37 and try to find an application for the Salvation Serving and Confidant of God Community in the Indonesian Bethel Church of the Royal Priesthood Family in Jakarta. The results of research on the way of life of the early church based on Acts 2: 41-47 and 4: 32-37 are (1) living in fellowship; (2) persevere in learning God's Word; (3) persevere in prayer; (4) one heart; (5) care for others.
Article Details
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