Tinjauan Alkitabiah Terhadap Prosesi Perkawinan Adat Dayak Tunjung di Kutai Barat
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The study was entitled "A Biblical Review of the Traditional Marriage Procession in the Kutai Barat." The research site is located in the Sekolaq Darat sub-district, Kutai Barat. The question that must be answered in this research is whether or not the implementation of the traditional marriage procession can be done by Christians. The research methods used are survey methods, case studies and bible exegesis. The results of this study are: (1) The implementation of the Dayak Tunjung traditional marriage procession at the level of the ruran, nisa newere and the giving of the sign, is still in accordance with the Word of God
(Deut. 6: 7; 11:19; Tit. 2: 3-5). All processions that are r itualistic, and symbols that smell like a worshiper should not be done in a procession of customary marriage for Christians (Ex. 20: 3; 23:13; Deut. 5: 7; Im. 19:31; 20: 6). In terms of implementation time, the customary marriage procession can only be done as difficult as the blessing of a church marriage, this is in order to preserve and respect the holiness of the marriage. In terms of norms, traditional Dayak Tunjung marriages that are not in accordance with God's provisions, for Christians must be adjusted to God's law in the Bible, because God's law is higher than traditional law (Matt. 15: 3).
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